Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Mouse Trap Cars

Our team earned 14 Achievements:
Design Stage:


1.       Bigger Wheels in Back

2.       Holes on the bottom of the base

3.       Attached Axel

4.       Front wheels not attached to mouse trap

5.       Smaller wheels in the front

6.       Base for mouse trap

7.       Attach string onto the back of the mouse trap

8.       Use the sturdier string

9.       Have wheels with bands around them

10.   Use tape to attach the mouse trap to the car.

Visualize It!

Build Stage:

“Build it”

 Test (Compete) Stage:

“Competitor”- Competed

“Led Food”- Moc3 won the acceleration bracket

“Heavy Foot”- We won the acceleration bracket

“Feedback”-(+)- Our team worked really well together. We never fought and we all brought great idea’s to the table.

(change)- Our group decided to add an extra lever that would allow the car to travel at a farther distant.

(?) Even though we changed our design, how could we have made our car move faster?

(!) I believe that if we wrap the string around the car a little tighter we could have gotten the car to travel farther.

Iterate Stage: 


Our group decided to add a pencil to our car to help propel the car forward more.

“Game Changer”

I would allow the use of more string. If we were able to use more string I think we could have gotten our car to travel a little faster because we were able to wand the string up better to propel the car for a longer distance.

“Name It”


Clean up Stage:

Yes, our group left our work area cleaner then we found it. Our group worked in the same area everyday. We did not spread out too much so we kept the mess contained to one area. After each day we up our car away and any unused materials in the bins. We also threw way all of our trash and picked up the floor around us.

Reflection Stage:

Design/Build”- A design and build process is a time when engineers map out and design their product. My experience with this challenge was our group had an idea of what we wanted our car to look like. From there we had to test out different methods until we found a solution that worked for us. I would experience this in a career related to technical innovation because you have to try and fail to get the product that you believe will succeed.   

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