Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Marble Sorters

These  past few days we have been working on putting together our Marble Sorters, which will be our final. Below is the process in which we will be following to collect points.

Process Achievements:

Organize it!

Brainstorm!: Provide at least four of your team’s brainstorming ideas for the design solution. This should include brainstorming sketches. Each sketch should include labels and descriptions for communication.

Enter the Matrix: Evaluate your solution ideas (4 minimum) using a decision matrix. Determine the best solution to the problem. Explain your rating system and share insight on why you rated your solutions as you did.

"I've Made a Few Special Modifications...": Document modifications made to your design during implementation. Explain the reason for the modifications and describe how the new design solution will solve the problem. "Story" is the split between expectation and outcome. Tell us a story regarding what your plan was and how it actually came out! Use photos and sketches to call out three changes. (Nerd points if you know where the quote for this Achievement title comes from)
  • Our team worked very hard on our marble sorter. Brooke and I were originally with another group but then Mr. Olsen encouraged us to make our own product. We figured out how to sort our marbles in the simplest way possible. Later Ian joined our group. We were able to figure out how to sort the marbles into 3 categories, wood, metal, and glass. Eventually our team was able to sort the marbles after a multitude of trials. Once we fixed on thing, another thing would occur. We persevered and made a wonderful project.   
Final Implementation: This section will showcase your final hardware and software solution. Include photos of your hardware and program. Call out at least three key features of your design that were significant to its performance. Report how your solution performed in the challenge.

Reflection: Address the four feedback types that we use in our courses (+, -, ?, !). Solicit feedback from someone outside of your team as well.
Some questions to consider in this section: How well did you accomplish your objectives? What would your team do differently with your design solution and why? Do the results fulfill the problem statement? Provide a brief explanation of what you learned, the challenges of working in a design team, and the purpose of the design problem.
  • (+)- I thought that our team worked really well together. We had a late start but we hit the ground running. Our team was very flexible and we had to change the product multiple times. We were very open to any and all the help we received. Everyone came to the table everyday really and willing to work. 
  • (-)- The only negative I would have would be the time crunch. Our team was very stressed for time. We  only had about a week to work but we were up to the challenge. We finished strong. 
  • (?)- The last question that why did the wooden marble not fall off the track when the wind blows it off. It was really odd to the team that the wind would not immediately knock off the wooded marble from the track. 
  • (!)-   We finished the product! We did a wonderful job!! Our team worked very hard and stayed focused!! 

Product Achievements:
We finished the product and Mr. Olsen gave us the "Ok". We were not able to race but Mr. Olsen saw how hard we worked to get our product to where it is today!!

NXT Robots

Before Spring Break we created a program for our NXT Robots. It was very neat to experience that and be able to utilize what we learned for programming.